
Friday, April 20, 2012


Dear Traveller,
       "I know there are readers in the world, as well as many other good people in it, who are no readers at all,—who find themselves ill at ease, unless they are let into the whole secret from first to last, of every thing which concerns you...To such however as do not choose to go so far back into these things, I can give no better advice than that they skip over the remaining part of this chapter; for I declare before-hand, 'tis wrote only for the curious and inquisitive —You must have a little patience. I have undertaken, you see, to write not only my life, but my opinions also; hoping and expecting that your knowledge of my character, and of what kind of a mortal I am, by the one, would give you a better relish for the other: As you proceed farther with me, the slight acquaintance, which is now beginning betwixt us, will grow into familiarity; and that unless one of us is in fault, will terminate in friendship. Therefore, my dear friend and companion, if you should think me somewhat sparing of my narrative on my first setting out—bear with me,—and let me go on, and tell my story my own way:—Or, if I should seem now and then to trifle upon the road,—or should sometimes put on a fool's cap with a bell to it, for a moment or two as we pass along,—don't fly off,—but rather courteously give me credit for a little more wisdom than appears upon my outside;—and as we jog on, either laugh with me, or at me, or in short do any thing,—only keep your temper..."
      I believe we are in a time where we must resurrect the self-reliant man, Henry, Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, Boone...pillars who experimented  with every aspect of life...innovation, engineering, agriculture, distillery...self sufficiency, and steadfastly championed the preservation of the natural rights of man.  We must be able to do for ourselves and not rely upon man's institutions to meet our needs or to cushion a fall.


"He has shown you, O man, what is good.  And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."
                                                                    -Micah 6:8

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